
Rule That Room – Improvements need to be made…

Rule That Room (by makn studio) is the first game in a really, REALLY long time where we actually had to read the manual in order to sort of understand how to play – so you can probably already tell just where this review is headed.

Set in a 3D room fitted with a few lights, a hopper, and a laser beam that kills you, your mission in this game is to do “something?” …collect coins? …move on to the next level? …we’re still not entirely sure!

This general uncertainty as to what we are actually supposed to be doing poses a much bigger problem than you may at first realize, and I’ll explain why.

When playing a casual game on your mobile phone, when was the last time you wondered whether or not you were actually playing the game right? Take for instance Helix Jump (by Voodoo) it is virtually impossible to play that game wrong because if you do, you’ll get shown a million Ads!

Although I’m not saying showing Ads is the solution, having a game where players don’t really know what they are supposed to be doing definetly isn’t ideal either…

During our time testing Rule That Room we quickly managed to figure out how to move, jump, avoid obstacles, collect items, and progress from one level to the next, neat! But we still had to read the manual.

At this stage Rule That Room is a game that could have great potential – unfortunately, we still think it’s a little too early to call whether or not this game is going to be the next Flappy Bird. One thing we can say however is that Rule That Room in its current form severely lacks “intuitive design” and an “objective” so obvious that Patrick could probably figure it out with a little help from SpongeBob. 😂

The Conclusion

If you want to be like us and watch a game develop from “Ok-ish” to “Good” and then “Excellent” and potentially even “Record Braking”, you should download Rule That Room now!

If however, you are a normal gamer who just wants to play the sort of games that are fun and enjoyable right now, we’d probably give it a few months for the developers to get things smoothed out a bit.

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