
How developers game: with Gemtoken Games the creator of Loot Goblin

Welcome to our series on “How developers game”. Today we’re talking with Gemtoken Games the creator of Loot Goblin – sharing a little about how developers both play and make their favorite games!

Before we start we would like to thank Gemtoken Games for participating in our interview and for answering all our questions! Thanks!

/// Thanks for taking the time to talk to us about Loot Goblin and your gaming setup. First things first, are you a PC person or a Mac person? And more importantly, why do you prefer using what you do?

I’m definitely a PC person. This is mostly out of habit, as I can’t recall a time in my life ever owning a Mac or other type of computer.

As for my preference, I love the ability PCs have to run just about any program. I’m a software developer by trade, so this is an essential component for day to day work. On the other hand, PCs are great for gaming, as a well-built PC can almost always provide the power necessary to do the heavy lifting when it comes to running high-fidelity games.

/// Can we have a list of your top 3 gaming peripherals when playing and making games on your PC or Mac.

This is a tough question for me, believe it or not!

I like to keep things simple and usually stick to doing both work and games on my Dell Inspiron Gaming laptop. As for other peripherals, I use a Logitech mouse, as well as a pair of Samsung earbuds for sound.

/// Is there anything weird or unique to the work you do about your setup that you would be willing to share with us?

I am usually very mobile when I do work (hence the preference to always use a laptop). However, my at-home setup contains a large 30-inch gaming monitor with a mechanical keyboard.

This way, when I work from my personal desk I can simply plug in my laptop and turn it into a more desktop-like workspace.

/// Moving on to your smartphone, iOS or Android? And why?

I prefer Android devices for the same reasons as I like PC over Mac: force of habit.

I’ve stuck with the Galaxy line of Samsung phones for quite some time, and as such have become a proficient Android developer over the last several years.

As a developer, it also appeals to me that Google Play on Android has a great platform for indie developers to upload and test out their creations with mobile audiences.

/// Top 3 games on your phone other than Loot Goblin!

Hmm… top my top three other games would be (in order): Subway Surf, Blades of Brim, and Super Toss the Turtle.

Edamame: Don’t think we’ve heard of that last one. Better check it out… 😅

/// Last questions, for all the newbie developers out there, what do you actually need to buy in terms of hardware in order to start making games? What is your advice?

For all the newbies looking to start making games, my best advice would be to start simple. First, invest in a computer that suits your comfort level, be it a PC or Mac, before considering tools that may be useful later on.

Similarly, your first game doesn’t need to be overly dependant on powerful hardware. Use your limits to determine what your first project might be. Not a great artist? Tons of games can be made using minimalist graphics on simple hardware!

Edamame: Thanks for the tips! 👍

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