
Flip Grip – Dash though a colorful world of chunky pixels…

“Living is learning…” Although we play countless mobile games every day, today we discovered a new category we never knew existed. This is our review of Flip Grip, a game filled with colorful Chunky Pixel graphics…

Flip Grip is a simple-ish 2D runner game with an extremely unique gameplay system, to say the least. Set in a colorful 2D universe made of Chunky Pixel Graphics, your mission in this game is to jump over and under obstacles while doing your best not to fall through the many open gaps in the stage.

Although the design may make this game look a little like a gravity switching runner game such as Gravity SquareFlip Grip actually acts much more like a standard (Tap to Jump) runner game until you bump a stage piece above your player…

The moment your player bumps a stage piece above, the gravity in this game will instantly flip, switching the direction in which your player is pulled down. Although this does make this game a gravity switching game, the way in which you swap gravity is very new and surprisingly hard to come by. (Having trouble picturing this? Check out the video above!)

With colorful graphics, a unique design, and a gameplay system we haven’t seen anywhere else, this game is a brand new game you might want to check out…

Ready to dash through a world where gravity can suddenly switch places if you so much as bump something above you? Imagine how annoying that would be…

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