
Gravity Square! by Kongregate – Review

“Do good ideas ever expire?” If we were asked this question, our answer would have to be, “It depends on the circumstances.” Some ideas have a lifespan of decades, while others only last a few minutes. Gravity Square! is a game almost identical to an awesome idea that dates way back to our 12th review…

We once reviewed a game called Slomo Jumper. If you go back and read the review you’ll probably be surprised. Our writing was pretty bad-  we were all pretty new… – so ignoring the bad writing and just looking at the game, Slomo Jumper was, and still is, a brilliant idea. So when Gravity Square! took it a step further, we were ecstatic!

Gravity Square! is an incredibly simple game. As you can probably already imagine from the title, the game is played by tapping on the screen in order to switch gravity, allowing your player to “fall” up or down in order to avoid hitting obstacles. Super simple.

Though the main idea hasn’t changed, the graphics that affect the game play have. The graphics found in Gravity Square! are awesome, and “literally” unravel right before your very eyes during gameplay. The stage your player is about to dash through is only made 1 to 2 seconds before your player passes through it!

As you can probably imagine, this makes the game extremely difficult. Being “unable” to see ahead, all you have left to rely on are your “reaction time”, and “instincts” – …instincts … not an easy thing to do in a generation where we all have smartphones and fly over oceans.

If you have great confidence in your inner neanderthal, who knows, Gravity Square! may just be the game you were waiting for! – You can actually play as a neanderthal for 100 Gold

For everyone else, though a difficult game, as long as you have a “normal” to “semi-high” reaction time, Gravity Square! is a fast paced mini game you’ll easily get a minute or two’s worth of fun out of while waiting for your ride home.

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