
Unite Melbourne 2016 Recap

Hey guys,
his is Edamame Reviews.

…and today we’ve got something just a little bit different for you…

Today we would like to share with you our quick recap of Unite Melbourne 2016. The main event started off with a bang! …of sales pitches (according to some twitter fans), although among these were some pretty intriguing statistics such as the fact that Unity executed around 36,700 builds(!) and over 9,940,000 test builds(!) during the 1 week period leading up to the Unite Melbourne Event.

Overall the main keynote focused mostly on three main points, “stability”, “versatility”, and surprisingly enough “education.”

Stability and Versatility were pretty much a given, and were to be expected (i.e. Do more with fewer crashes and error messages) but to be completely honest education was a bit of a curveball to us. 

The educational aspect of the event focused mostly on Certification via Unity which, according to Unity staff members, is an essential for any game developer serious about developing games for a career.

Becoming a Certified Unity Developer is simple, and will require you to successfully pass a certification exam consisting of 100 multiple choice questions covering 16 areas of game development within 90 minutes. The passing score is 70% and according to the certification staff member we talked with, the exam isn’t overly difficult meaning most experienced / semi-experienced developers should easily pass within the given time limit.

Sitting the exam will cost you around US$250, and if you decide to prepare for the exam beforehand using Unity’s custom made courseware (roughly an additional US$250). All up the exam should cost you around US$500.

Whether or not you choose to become a Certified Unity Developer is completely up to you and won’t affect whether or not you’ll end up creating the next viral game. Especially if you’re working alone. However, if your dream is to work in a large scale corporate team, certification definitely is an option to consider…

Overall, Unite Melbourne 2016 was an awesome event bursting with knowledge and inspiration. A big thumbs up to all the indie developers who took part in sharing their knowledge Thanks Guys

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