
The blockade at Tokyo Game Show 2018

Buying limited edition merchandise is going to be hard no matter what game show you happen to visit, but when competing against 500,000 other participants all wanting something to take home, things tend to get a little messy…

Buying merchandise at Tokyo Game Show 2018 was a sight to behold. People wrapped around small-ish booths in snaking cues which could take you anywhere from 30-60 minutes just to get to the products for sale. We can only imagine the disappointment when popular items sold out…

Although we could probably write a whole article on how to prepare for an hour-long cash register cue, we will leave that up to another day. Here we would like to talk about the effect this cue of gaming fans had on Tokyo Game Show as a whole.

Tokyo Game Show 2018 was split up between two main event halls. One hall was for AAA corporations while the other was for indie-developers, cosplayers, and merchandise. This may have been a mistake…

By 2 pm, the entire front 1/3 of the Secondary Hall was practically a blockade of people all waiting in line to get the merch they were after. This blockade of people + cosplayers and SERIOUS PHOTOGRAPHERS! (you dare not interrupt) created a sort of no-go zone right in front of the escalators which… which… 

You get where this is going… No lunch for us…

This is not so much a complaint as it is a fun experience you will only ever have at a game show with half a million in attendance. Maybe next time we should pack a lunch before we charge in.

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