
Subdivision Infinity – Pure-Amazingness in a Game…

Have you forever had this strange fascination with space? Imagine, jumping from galaxy to galaxy, battling space pirates, and exploring the very edges of space itself!…what an adventure…!

Have you forever had this strange fascination with space? Imagine, jumping from galaxy to galaxy, battling space pirates, and exploring the very edges of space itself!
…what an adventure…!

Until recently Galaxy on Fire 3 was the unchallenged king of visually stunning mobile space exploration gaming. Today, everything is about to change…

Subdivision Infinity is the 1st or 2nd best space exploration game we have ever featured! On par with the “former” unchallenged king of space exploration gaming, Galaxy on Fire 3 in pretty much all aspects of gaming, Subdivision Infinity is a game capable of redefining what is possible on a smartphone.

Featuring a story orientated gameplay system, (similar to that of Galaxy on Fire 3), Subdivision Infinity is centered around the adventures of an unfortunate pilot who finds himself stranded on a small space station on the outskirts of space. As if being stranded isn’t enough to make you somewhat anxious, you are also surrounded by an unknown enemy of hostile drones and hacked cargoships. Oh man…

Played using an intuitive set of on-screen controls to guide your ship through dangerous situations that seem to keep taking a turn for the worse(!) Subdivision Infinity is simple and easy to play, just so long as you don’t mind dying a few times before you eventually succeed.

Overall, this is one of those games you pretty much can’t go wrong with. If you’re after a game that both looks stunning, plays amazingly, and has a dead-serious storyline to keep you addicted, you only really have 2 options. The choice is yours…

So, are you ready to set out on an exciting space exploration adventure?
Why not give Subdivision Infinity a try?

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