
Interview with the Set Snail Team, The Developers of Snake Towers!

Can you remember back to a time when the only entertainment on your “smartphone” was a pixelated game called Snake? If so, this is our interview with the developers of Snake Towers, a game that re-breathes life into the classic game we all love(?) so very much…! Check out our review here.

Before we start we’d like to thank the Set Snail Team for participating in our interview and for answering all our geeky questions! Thanks, guys!

…and without further ado, our interview begins…

Ok first up, why did you decide to make Snake Towers?

We prototype a lot of games and somehow we got the idea of mixing the classic snake game with the popular rogue like genre. We like the classic snake, but we don’t like that there is a limit to the score you can get.

Can you tell us a little about how the cute visuals were made in Snake Towers?

The visuals in Snake Towers were made by our creative team. A process where we tried out some different takes and evaluated them internally. Eventually, we ended up with this really colorful game, where each type of tower has a distinct and vibrant color scheme. We also got feedback on our Facebook page to figure out what designs people enjoyed the most.

What advice would you give a new player trying Snake Towers for the first time?

Try to position your snake so that you always have a way out of the tower if you reach a tower with no doors. Learn the pickups and get comfortable with the curses too. Of course, brag if you are better than someone you know!

(Edamame) That last instruction is something we can do…! 

Ok, now for some geeky questions. What programming language and or software did you use when making Snake Towers?

We used Unity3d. The same game engine we have used for our other games.

Here is a difficult question. What was the hardest problem you needed to overcome when developing Snake Towers?

There were different challenges. The fact that there are a lot of different towers (200+), means that we have to load in the towers in a special way to get a decent load time. Also, the movements of the snake were hard to get right. We had a lot of feedback from beta testers to nail this part.

Last question. Where do you get your inspiration or ideas from?

We play other games. We have sessions where we try to force our ideas out.  We talk a lot about our ideas. Ideas can come from all kinds of places. It can be a picture we see or some weird though that just pops up! To be honest, we come up with a lot of really shitty ideas. But as long as the ideas are flowing you are bound to get a good idea sooner or later.

A few words to Snake Towers fans on Edamame Reviews.

We have a game in beta and some other ideas that are not official yet. The game that we are currently beta testing is called Himster and it’s a mobile platformer.

If you want to join in on the beta you can sign up here!

Lastly a few words on how you feel about Edamame Reviews and our service.

Edamame Reviews is a great place to keep yourself updated with the best in mobile gaming.

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