
Sky Glider by Orangenose Studios – Review

So, we’re assuming most people reading this have heard of Flappy Bird. More than likely you’ve played either the original or one of the millions of clones available, and are quite sick of “Flappy” games by now.

Today we’ve got a new game that – strictly speaking – does replicate Flappy Bird, it does. But for users who are absolutely sick of all the constant “flapping” and horrible graphics most clones feature, this new game takes the experience just a little further with a beautiful minimalist look, and no flapping.

Sky Glider is a game that somehow feels good to play. The simple graphics and glider controls give the player a sense of floating on the wind, which can be strangely satisfying considering it’s so similar to Flappy Bird.

The game is made up of 4 unlockable stages – the fourth is not yet available – each with its own unique theme. Unfortunately we’re still stuck on the first stage but considering how beautiful it is, we can’t wait to unlock the others.

The controls you use to play this game are very interesting. By touching the screen your glider’s altitude will increase, and by letting go it will decrease, pretty simple. Now the super satisfying part about these controls is that your glider actually seems to glide. Unlike flappy bird where your bird is constantly bobbing up and down, in this game your glider will actually glide smoothly on the wind. As you’d expect from a glider.

The controls do take some time to get used to, but once mastered, playing this game becomes a pleasure.

If floating on the wind has always been your dream, Sky Glider is a beautiful game, you’ll definitely enjoy playing.

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