
Shadow Scrapers – See shadows in a new light…!

Is “beauty” an important aspect of your mobile gaming life? If so, today we’ve got a game that is way above average, yet a little below the current King of beauty, Monument Valley.

Shadow Scrapers is a perplexing (Touch and Interact) style puzzle game you will likely feel somewhat familiar with from the moment you pick it up. Set in a futuristic metropolis made of mostly-white buildings and shadows, your mission in this game is to help your player, a floating triangular creature named “Lyt” make his way around each puzzling level.

Now, unlike in Monument Valley, where your ability to mentally skew your own perception was tested, in Shadow Scrapers you are required to see shadows in a new light…!

If you’ve ever wondered what would happen if you had the ability to walk on shadows, this is a game that was practically designed for you. Set on a number of different stages containing powerful lights, reflectors, and much, much more, you are required to move objects around each stage in order to cast shadows which act as a path your player can travel over.

Due to the fact that you aren’t really changing too much around each level, the difficulty level of the puzzles in this game shouldn’t be too hard for the average player to figure out. …or at least in the lower levels that is…

Are you in need of a brand new Monument Valley like puzzle game for your smartphone? If so, Shadow Scrapers is a game you need to check out.

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