
Running Circles

“I’m not so sure about the circles you’re in…” have you ever had someone say this to you? I haven’t, (Who would ever say that about the Edamame Team?) but in the case of Running Circles, the circles you choose to be in, or not in, really effect how long you survive.

In this simply ingenious game, your mission is to guide your player around a track made of hundreds of circles linked together. By tapping on the screen you can switch between spinning around the inner edge of the circle or the outer edge. Your timing in this game is extremely important, one wrongly timed tap will almost certainly kill you.

When spinning around the inner edge of the circle, you are pretty much safe. There will sometimes be enemies you’ll need to avoid by quickly switching to the outer edge, but other than that, you’re pretty safe. The outer edge is very risky. Though most of the diamonds you’ll find will be located there, they are also there for a very good reason. If you tap too late and collide with a join to the neighboring circle you will instantly die. This means it is impossible to make a full rotation on the outer edge making it very dangerous to stay on the outside.

If you have a whole heap of friends, this game, though already cool, becomes awesome! Just like Tower DashBoomBit’s last game featured on our site, Running Circles is also fitted with an amazing multiplayer system, bringing your uncle into the action once again.

If you’re after a simple but engaging game, especially with an amazing multiplayer function, we would highly recommend you try Running Circles.

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