
RotatingBrave interview with TissueTube

Do you remember our review of an awesome game called RotatingBrave? With a new and very innovative gameplay system, dazzling pixelated visual effects and a number of epic boss battles for you to slash your way through, RotatingBrave is an awesome game to play!

If you have yet to check out our review of RotatingBrave, you can do so here!

Today we would like to share our interview with TissueTube, the developer of RotatingBrave. Before we start we’d like to thank the TissueTube Team for participating in our interview and for answering all of our geeky questions! Thanks Guys!

…and without further ado, our interview begins…


The Interview

Thanks for taking the time to talk to us about RotatingBrave, could you kick-start this interview by telling us a little about your studio and what drew you to Game Development?

My name is TissueTube, I came from Macau and I am a sophomore at Taiwan’s university. I was interested in flash game development in my senior high school years. In RotatingBrave‘s development, I handled all the game developing stuff except for the music and sounds, I have no partners in game development and so I hope I can find someone in the future.



First question. What was the core idea (or inspiration) that sparked the development of RotatingBrave?

“Downwell!” I am a big fan of this awesome game, I tried to analyze its mechanism and reproduce it in Unity for my programming practice 2 years ago. During development, I added my own ideas like “The melee Downwell” and “Downwell with different level direction” into the prototype, and this is how RotatingBrave come to be.


What were the hardest problems you faced during the different development stages of RotatingBrave?

Time. There are only 24 hours in a day, and I had to develop and study at the same time. I loved drawing when I was young, and I could find answers to all my scripting problems with a quick Google Search, so the programming and graphics were not a problem, however, the limited amount of time I had to work with was.

Very tiring but interesting!


For our nerdy Developer Fans, what programming language and or software did you use when developing RotatingBrave? And was it a good decision?

C# and Unity, I do not have a lot of program skill but I can use it to make a game. Unity is a good choice for little games like this, it’s easy to use and has lots of community resources!


What advice would you give to a new player trying RotatingBrave for the first time?

Careful! Do not go too fast! Play steadily and carefully before you master this game.


A few words to RotatingBrave fans on Edamame Reviews. Any new games in the near future? What can we look forward to next?

A game about space, planets, and robots will (maybe?) come out at the end of the year! It is about a little hero who fights against the big boss. Just like “Titan Souls”!


Lastly a few words on how you feel about Edamame Reviews and our service.

I am very grateful for your review of my game. The review is useful for me to improve the game, and is also helpful for the game’s promotion, thank you so much!

Love our interview with TissueTube?

Why not give RotatingBrave a try? The download link is just below.
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