
Roller Coaster – A Dizzyingly Fast Adventure!

Do you like fast games? If you were captivated by the amazing 3D levels featured in the original Sonic Heroes back in 2003, then today we’ve got a game you are going to fall in love with! A dizzyingly fast adventure is just around the corner…

Do you like fast games? If you were captivated by the amazing 3D levels featured in the original Sonic Heroes back in 2003, then today we’ve got a game you are going to fall in love with! A dizzyingly fast adventure is just around the corner…

Roller Coaster (by Ketchapp and MAUIGO) is a minimalistic game that reminds us of how we used to speedily dash through the twisting and winding levels in our favorite 3D Sonic game. Set on a never-ending stretch of colorful road, your mission in this game is to smash though pink checkpoints while avoiding blacky-gray bumps that do a great job of killing you.

The longer you survive the faster and faster the game becomes, forcing you to react faster and faster in order to avoid all the bumps without dying. Not easy to do…

Played using a simple set of (Touch and Drag) based controls that are fairly easy to use, (until the game starts moving at an almost uncontrollable speed), there is actually a simple trick to achieving a relatively high score in Roller Coaster.

Each of the pink checkpoints in Roller Coaster has a lighter colored circle at its center, symbolizing where to hit in order to achieve a “Perfect hit”. Unlike a normal hit, “Perfect hits” build on one another, allowing you to quickly build up an amazingly high score in a matter of minutes! A little like in bowling.

For anyone skilled enough, the way in which the stage twists in Roller Coaster often gives you a quick glimpse of what is coming up ahead, allowing you to prepare for whatever it is you are about to be hit with.

Featuring a bunch of different unlockable skins you can use to customize your gameplay, (we recommend using a black background for better contrast and a better view of what is coming up ahead), Roller Coaster is yet another fun game from Ketchapp we are heavily addicted to…

The Conclusion

Are you a lover of all things fast and furious? If so, Roller Coaster is a game you (like us) are likely going to find very hard to put down. It only takes one high score… and you’re addicted…

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