
Ready Steady Bang by Cowboy Games – Review

Ok, before we start this review we have a WARNING… The game we are about to present to you is entirely based on your reaction time. In fact if your reaction time is slower than 0.352 seconds you cannot play this game!

Ready Steady Bang by Cowboy Games is a game based on a cowboy – actually a sheriff – in a remote town somewhere out back – seriously there’s nothing in sight – out to battle crime with his super sharp shooting skills.

Starting off like a cowboy movie’s shootout – usually the most awesome part of any cowboy movie – Ready Steady Bang starts with the words “Ready…”, “Steady”, then at some random moment “BANG!” The moment you see the words “BANG!” you are given exactly 0.352 seconds to draw and fire – Tap the screen – before your character is shot dead…

Both you and your opponent are given 5 “shots” or “lives” meaning you must beat your opponent 5 times in order to win Ready Steady Bang. This can prove to be a surprisingly difficult task, especially as the level of your opponent increases… Faster Shooters…

We’ve heard the saying, “Time flies when you’re having fun” used all the time but in the case of this game, things are quite different. The few moments spent in anticipation of “the BANG!” are so intense, the few minutes spent playing this game can feel like hours!

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