
Pop The Ice – Pounding Fists and Flying Ice!

Have you ever tried to imitate the highly skilled bar-tenders you sometimes see in movies? Chances are it didn’t end well, and so for people like you (or should I say us) who aren’t exactly the best when it comes to sliding cocktails across a smooth wooden bench, today we’ve got a game you may want to check out…

Simply put, Pop The Ice (by Orangenose Studios) is a game about punching hard wooden benches – one stacked just above the other – in order to “pop” a block of ice from one glass into another. If you’re having trouble picturing what we are saying, please take a look at the video above, it’s actually very simple

Featuring a similar gameplay mechanic to many other games you are probably fairly familiar with, Pop The Ice is all about the timing. Starting out fairly simple, all you have to worry about at first is whether or not your glass is directly below the glass above and away you go!

…that being said, things don’t stay easy for very long…

As you progress through the game, you will be faced with faster as well as slower-moving glasses, glasses that have a tendency to rock about, strong gusts of wind, and more! Luckily, the game is level based meaning you should have plenty of time to get used to how things feel before things get really hard, which is great!

Featuring a total of 90 levels for you to complete, you will be faced with an extra challenging boss battle every 10 or so levels, to test out your skills. An easy way to check whether or not you are actually improving…

Last but not least, unfortunately, we don’t actually know how many Ads are featured in this game – this review was written on an airplane headed for Tokyo Game Show 2018 – but considering it was developed by Orangenose Studios, we are 99% certain that there shouldn’t be an unreasonable number of Ads.

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The Conclusion

We’ve always enjoyed playing the simplistic games developed by Orangenose Studios and Pop The Ice is no exception. Featuring everything we’ve loved about Orangenose games in the past, Pop The Ice does not disappoint.

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