
Planes Control – A game that defines “Chaos”

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work in an Air Traffic Control Tower? Well, now you can find out… or at least, sort of…

Air Traffic Control is arguably one of the most stressful jobs a person can have. Every day millions of traveling individuals place their lives in your hands, and it is your job to deliver each and every one of them safely to their destination. …Sound Stressful?

Planes Control is a game about guiding way too many planes safely to their respective landing strips without creating any disasters. Not an easy thing to do…

The game is played by drawing a line from each incoming aircraft to their respective landing strip. Super simple. Unfortunately, this is probably the only simple aspect of this entire game. The longer you survive the more aircraft fly in at annoying angles, and at different speeds, destroying your perfect landing plans and schedules.

Although we have yet to get this far in the game, on top of all this chaos, you will also be required to fight off enemy aircraft, destroy invading alien forces and more all while avoiding any disastrous landing accidents!

If you are one of those people who has always had a knack for managing people, Planes Control is the ultimate test of skill.

With cute toy-like graphics, a simple gameplay system that “will” cause you way too much stress, and plenty of hair pulling levels to unlock, this is the game for anyone who wishes to become a leader…

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