
Perfect Ironing – How is this even a game!?

Perfect Ironing (by Playgendary) is one of those games you definitely don’t want your parents to catch you playing. Why? Because it is basically gamified housework!

Perfect Ironing is a game about ironing stuff like shirts, pants, skirts, underwear, etc. for money and cute new irons. If this sounds a little boring and stupid, congratulations because you’re actually right!

During our time playing this game, somewhere deep down we were constantly expecting something really weird to show up. Like a spacesuit or a dinosaur costume, but no, the things you will be required to iron in this game are actually all pretty normal – if not a little embarrassing.

I don’t know, but perhaps for kids who have never had the opportunity to iron their own clothes this game is super satisfying? We really don’t know.

One thing we do know for certain though is that Perfect Ironing is a super high-quality mobile game about what 99% of adults in the world call housework. And we find the fact that this game even exists hilarious!

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