
Papery Planes – Take off on a papery minimalist adventure

Ever since the launch of Casual Cube we have been quite a fan of the Akos Makovics Team and the simple minimalist graphics used in their games. Today we’ve got a new game from the small indie team and this time it’s all about planes.

Papery Planes is a game about paper airplanes, (What a shock!), a rocky river, and floating gold coins. Your mission in this game is to steer a paper airplane down a rocky river while collecting gold coins and avoiding rocks jutting out from the surface of the water.

The concept behind the game is very simple and the controls you are given to play the game with are also equally simple (Tap Left to move Left, Tap Right to move Right)
…Or at least are “supposed” to be…

Every now and then we would find ourselves furiously tapping on either the left or right side of the screen in order to avoid smashing into an obstacle but our unlucky little Plane wouldn’t move… This issue seemed to clear up a bit after we re-started the game, but still not altogether.

When the game does work, (which is luckily the majority of the time), Papery Planes features a constantly changing theme that switches between day to night, seasons and even environments all while you are still playing the game!

If you enjoy minimalist games that allow you to sit back, relax, and just play, Papery Planes is a game you might want to check out.

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