
MicroCube – Never turn back…

MicroCube is a game about moving forward. Your mission in this game is to always move forward – never turn back! No matter what stands in your way, no matter how rough the path ahead of you is, you must never turn back, or look away from your dream!!! (Sorry, we got a little carried away there…)

MicroCube is an interesting new platformer game with one simple rule. “You can never move backwards…” Your mission in this game is to guide a bouncing cube through obstacle filled stages without ever moving backwards. Your player will constantly have a slightly rightward jump meaning without doing a thing your player will automatically bounce toward spikes, lava, acid, etc…

Obviously bouncing into obstacles isn’t exactly the best idea and so, you will be required to jump over them while leaving enough space so you’re ever forward jumping cube doesn’t accidentally jump into spikes in the very next jump.

If this was all you had to do, this game would be one of the easiest platformer games to play, unfortunately(?) this isn’t the case. The stages in this game are filled with surprises that will almost certainly catch you off guard every time. Often the stage you need to jump to won’t even exist until the second before you land on it, and stable looking platforms will give way to spikes, lava, and death!

If you are stressed easily, this game is basically a nightmare you can download…

MicroCube is a simple yet well made platformer you can literally play using only taps and long presses. Although simple, it would be very unwise to underestimate this game’s difficulty. Given the chance it will make you want to cry! (Ok, this is probably a little exaggerated )

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