
Jumpy – Run!! Run!! Jump!! Run!!

Do you love simple one touch runner games? If so, you should probably check out our review of Super Mario Run, the best one touch runner game to ever hit the app store(!), …unless of course, you want something simpler…

Jumpy is a super simple one touch runner game that will rarely ever let you past level 2. Based around the simple concept of jumping from platform to platform while collecting coins, avoiding enemies, and maneuvering around spikes, Jumpy is a game that simplifies the Mario-style 2D platformer experience into one quick and easy package.

Played using basic (Tap to Jump) controls, your mission in this game is – as we stated above – to collect coins while staying alive. This is not easy to do, especially once you pass level 2! Suddenly the number of spikes/enemies you are faced with will increase at an alarming rate more often than not ending in your death…

Luckily the number of ads in this game seem to be kept to a minimum allowing players the chance to try again multiple times before finally being forced to watch an ad.

Although on one hand, Jumpy is a fun and enjoyable game, it can also sometimes be one of the more annoying one touch runner games on the market. At first, the 2D/3D graphics can make judging distance and timing jumps cumbersome and was the cause of the majority of our deaths in the first few games we played…

That said, once you get used to the unique style 2D/3D graphics that still feel slightly off, (is it just us?), and adjust your timing to better fit the game, Jumpy becomes a fast and fun one-touch runner game that is simply there when you need it most.

If you found Super Mario Run way too functional for your liking and would like something simpler and easier to play, chances are you’ve just found the game you were looking for…

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