
Icy Ropes – Never give up!!!

Do you hate words like “Impossible”, “Too Hard”, or “Unachievable…?” If so, today we’ve got a game where you can actually cheat death or at least “Game Over” as the case may be. So whatever you do, when playing Icy Ropes – Never give up!!!

Icy Ropes is a game about the worst mountain climbers ever! Normally you’ll choose to tie a rope to one another in order to prevent both of you from falling to your death… Well, in this game it mostly causes more death than survival… (If you play the game normally that is…)

Based on jumping from one block of ice to another, the game is played by long pressing to jump, and releasing to fall / land on a particular block of ice. Pretty simple. The physics engine you’ll find in this game is surprisingly good and should make playing this game feel natural to most players. (Who play the game normally)

Now comes the fun part…

When your player falls off a block of ice, if you do nothing, your second player will also get pulled down and Game Over. However, if you’re fast enough to jump again, your second player (the one still standing on the previous block of ice) will jump up, pass over the top of your falling player and sometimes land safely on the next block of ice.

Although very impossible in real life, somehow it works in the world of Icy Ropes and the results are spectacular!

Often your first player (the falling one) will get flung out of his pit of doom and land safely on a different block of ice, other times he will simply get flung wildly around without managing to actually land on anything Whatever happens, as long as you continue to jump from ice block to ice block, even if it seems as though the game has already been decided, there is still a chance you may actually be able to get back on track.

Although we’d recommend this game just for the thrill of surviving what would normally seem like certain death, if you care about the graphical beauty of the games you play, Icy Ropes has you covered there as well.

With very nice 2D/3D graphics throughout the entire game, Icy Ropes feels like – and really is – a premium game you can get at an irresistible price! (i.e. It’s free)

With a decent gameplay system, amazing physics (seriously, amazing physics), and super high-quality graphics to back everything up, this game has pretty much everything you could ever want in a free game.

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