
Interview with the Gamxin team, the new LinkedIn!?

Our interview with the Gamxin team, the new “LinkedIn” for developers?

Gamxin is a new type of networking platform designed to help indie developers connect with influencers such as reviewers or bloggers in a new and apparently much easier way – to find out whether it’s true or not you’ll just have to try it yourself

If you’re still sitting on the edge of your seat wondering whether or not to give it a try, today we’d like to share with you our interview with the Gamxin team which may pique your interest just enough to take a deeper look…

Before we start, we’d like to thank the Gamxin team for participating in our interview, and for spending some of their valuable time in answering our questions. Thanks guys.

Now without any further ado our interview begins.


First up, in a nutshell what is Gamxin?

Gamxin is a dedicated platform for indie game developers and influencers to team-up with the view to take projects to a larger audience from the word go. The whole idea is to boost indie networking and set up amazing reach for projects by coming together as one community!

As an indie developer, making shout outs for games to the Influencer community has never been easier. A totally professional space to take your projects to folks who love talking about games, coupled with inbuilt tools to network with these experts like never before!

Influencers on the other hand can welcome exclusive content by predefining interests and keeping track of upcoming titles for being the first ones every time to unearth the next big release to a cherished fan following!


Ok, so how is Gamxin different to other much larger resources such as Facebook or Twitter?

At Gamxin developers will find a very precise target audience to take the projects to!

We have setup different stages for pre-release and post release campaigns, with our system taking every project to the right Influencer groups based on a game’s genre and platform (greatly increasing the chances of a game being covered). We have this special tool to build the list of interests received from influencers on every campaign, making it really easy for the developers to team-up on release. We also have a simple interface to exchange access codes, drop direct messages and track Influencers responses on the go.

Also for influencers on-board, imagine welcoming daily updates from developers themselves right at your desk for easy pickings. A super easy means to connect directly to developers, track projects and send key requests in advance only adds to the gist!


As reviewers we love to hear and experience a fraction of the passion that changed an idea into a finished product. Our question is, why did you decide to create Gamxin?

The idea was always to craft up a teaming-up space for indies that would make the whole process of finding the right people to network with a lot easier. We began with a little research and soon realized how difficult it is to filter amazing content scattered all over the place. We made it our mission to gather all this content and provide a focused and direct shot to take aim for all indies, and hence landed Gamxin. And it’s been an amazingly wonderful journey for our small team to be able to put this up live and being able to add to an indie journey every day!


Last question, are there any amazing new functions for developers and or reviewers thinking about – or already using – Gamxin to look forward to?

Absolutely! Having run a closed BETA for almost 7 months, we upgraded our whole system with inventive features to make it much more effective and user friendly. The run down largely helped us to identify sections and features that can make the place even sweeter. We are currently working on a super smart Analytics feature for both our champs that will boost reach and conversions equally.

Also, we always welcome feedback and suggestions from our dear users to help us take this to the next level.


Gamxin is a networking platform meaning no matter how good the system is, overall what grows – and or – kills the platform are its users.

As reviewers we look forward to seeing what the Gamxin team together with the power of its users are capable of creating. Who knows, we may have just interviewed the creators of the next LinkedIn

Interested? Why not give it a try!

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