
Falling Tower – People are so stupid…

Have you ever sat down and thought about how stupid you really are…? No matter how good – or bad – you did in school, there is a certain level of “simplicity” our dumb race simply can’t comprehend. …and today we’ve got a game that plays on it…!

Falling Tower is an extremely simple game. In fact, this game is so simple it is almost embarrassing to see how bad our advanced race is at playing it! We’ve sent probes to mars for crying out loud!!!

Set on a staircase that spirals up a slowly crumbling tower, your mission in this game is to tap on the left side of your screen in order to jump up 1 stair, or tap on the right side to jump up 2 stairs. Very simple so far…

Depending on the situation, you will need to switch between single jumping and double jumping in order to avoid jumping into an open gap where a stair no longer exists, and due to the fact that the stage is constantly breaking down, you will also be required to move relatively quickly, but still nothing over the top.

Falling Tower is an extremely simple and easy game to play. In theory, this game shouldn’t challenge us in the slightest. Seriously, washing the dishes is harder than playing Falling Tower, but no matter how many advances our race makes in dishwashing technology, it seems we still haven’t found a way to battle our own human nature.

Falling Tower is so annoyingly simple…

Would you like a game that plays on your easily flustered human nature?
Falling Tower is an annoyingly simple game you’ll have a hard time excelling at, unless of course, you aren’t human…

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