
Egg, Inc. – Every entrepreneur’s dream “game” come true…

Are you on a mission for “wealth” and “power!” If so, chickens are the way to go…!

No doubt you’ve already imagined what it would be like to dominate the world’s oil supply, but have you ever thought of what it would be like to control the world’s egg supply? Imagine, controlling the world’s egg supply would mean deciding who gets to eat cake at their birthday party, who gets to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast, who eats anything with “eggs” in it! …you could take over the world…

Egg, Inc. is a game about eggs… lots of eggs… Starting off as a small family egg farm, your mission in this game is to slowly grow your farm until “eventually” you become so big and powerful that you are dominating the world’s egg supply with your massive army of chickens!

Obviously to achieve your dream of world domination, you, just like any other business will need to start small. Using the small amount of money you gain each second, you will be required to research “Nutritional Supplements”, “Hen House Remodeling”, “Comfortable Nests”, and more, so as to increase your profits.

When it comes to the gameplay in Egg, Inc. it is actually remarkably similar to Slash Mobs, or Cookie Clicker if you only look at the actual “base” game. To play the game without using any strategy or brains, all you as the player are required to do is continually tap on a red chicken button located at the bottom of your screen in order to generate new chickens.

Doing this will automatically begin to create money but will only create so much income for your farm, making Egg, Inc. more a game about carefully planning the way you spend money rather than a game you play by simply ramming a button.

If you simply love business and wish to one day truly dominate the world with your product, Egg, Inc. will have you addicted in 0.2 seconds!

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