
Draw Climber: Minimal art skills required

Draw Climber (by Voodoo) is a surprisingly cool racing game for iOS and Android where the difference between a win and a loss often comes down to how good you are at drawing legs… or arms? I never studied the anatomy of a cube so I can’t tell…

Set on a long stretch of 3D road, your mission in this game is to help your cube make it to the finish line before your opponent in order to win coins and move on to the next level. Pretty standard stuff.

What makes this game both fun and different is the fact that the only real control you have over your cube is the length and shape of its legs – which you will need to draw at the start of each race. This is where strategy comes into play.

Obviously, different shaped legs work better in different situations and are more or less suited at overcoming certain obstacles.

The way Draw Climber is designed, players are free to re-draw their player’s legs any time during a race so long as they don’t mind taking a significant hit to their player’s speed. Your player will slow down for a while immediately after swapping legs almost like a car with poor acceleration.

In some cases swapping out the design of your player’s legs is obviously necessary just to make it past a certain obstacle. However, more often than not, it isn’t immediately obvious or even required for you to change anything which is what makes Draw Climber both challenging and enjoyable – when and where you choose to re-design will often be the deciding factor between winning and losing a race so choose wisely…

If you like fiddling around with things in search of the optimal design, Draw Climber is a game you will probably really enjoy because the possibilities for customizations are truly endless.

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