
Dash Up 2 – Flappy is back… Prepare to die…

Were you strangely addicted – just like almost everyone else in the world – to Flappy Bird? No matter how many times this game hurt people, for some reason, everyone seemed to just keep coming back… Do you really want to do it again…

Dash Up 2 is a new vertical style flappy game that will attempt to trap you in a painfully addictive trance of annoyance once again… Whether you choose to play this game and endure the pain of addiction is up to you, but we must say, the new gameplay style featured in Dash Up 2 is actually pretty cool.

Starting off with a square duck, your mission in this game is to flap up past an infinite number of crushing “pipes” without dying. Easier said than done, especially considering the pipes are now made of Tasers, Lava, Strange Blue Things, and Whiteness!!!

(Ok, we got a little carried away back there… )
The controls you use to play this game are pretty much the same as the original, with the only difference being, instead of jumping up and forward when you tap on the screen of your device, you only ever jump up.

If you loved – or hated – the original flappy bird, chances are your feelings toward this game will probably be the same… If you don’t want to go through the same pain you experienced during the Flappy Bird craze, we recommend you check out a different game. (There are plenty to choose from on Edamame Reviews )

Need an annoying fun new game that will remind you of all the awful fun times you had playing Flappy bird?

You do? Awesome! The download link is just below

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