
Calculator: The Game – Your Favorite Mathematical Sidekick!

When was the last time you solved anything harder than a sudoku puzzle without the help of your favorite mathematical sidekick… After all the stress of exams, mountains of paperwork and unpaid bills you have gone through together, this is a game about one of your closest friends…

Calculator: The Game is a game about a calculator that had the courage to do something different, the courage to be a game! …and boy did it succeed! Nothing like a certain phone “without” a headphone jack…

Featuring much the same appearance as a normal calculator, your mission in this game is to create a given number, within a given number of moves, using a pre-defined set of mathematical functions you may, (or may not), already be somewhat familiar with.

Overall, Calculator: The Game is extremely straightforward and easy to understand, just so long as you start from level 1 and follow along as new functions are gradually added into the game. Pretty much the same as any other number puzzle.

Now, for players who aren’t exactly the best at number puzzles but have been captivated by this calculator’s super cute visuals, this game doesn’t exactly seem to have a GAME OVER, meaning you can try time after time without being forced to sit through numerous annoying ads… Whoo-hoo

Are you ready to take on the ultimate gamer challenge…? A challenge brought to you by one of your closest friends who has stayed true to you though School, College, Work, and beyond…! As a friend, this is a game you simply can’t turn down…

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