
Bridge – A simple way to find out how uncoordinated you are…

Do you get stressed when things are difficult to understand? (Wait a sec, who doesn’t?) If so, we’ve got a game so simple and easy to understand, it will literally take you less than 0.34 seconds to completely understand the game! Although, it will probably take you a week to play the game as well as you’d first expect…

Bridge is a simple game with a name that pretty much explains itself. Your mission in this game is to guide a yellow cube through a continually growing path made of pink bridges and gray pillars by tapping on the screen and rotating the pink bridges.

Although the concept is simple, when put into actual practice this game is a bit of a nightmare…

You see, much as we all don’t want to realise it, we are extremely uncoordinated creatures especially when under time pressure. Although in your mind you will understand that all you need to do is tap the screen once, get the block on board, and then tap a second time, most of the time you won’t.

Either you’ll tap too early, tap too late, or get so confused you don’t tap at all… Although this game is very confusing (and a little confronting, depending on how uncoordinated you are) it’s definitely worth trying, especially if you’re a long time fan of Ketchapp’s style of minimalist graphics.

Do you need a game to help you get over your uncoordinated-ness? If so Bridge is a beautiful, super easy to understand and play game that will take you forever to master

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