
Boxy The Box

Boxy The Box is another one of those game you can’t quite tell whether you love or hate. One minute (when you’re in the middle of beating your previous high score) it seems to be your best friend, and the next (when you die with a score of 14) your worst enemy. We think Boxy The Box is probably best described as the sort of game that could help you destroy your smartphone…

Starting off on an endless plain dotted with holes, your mission is to carefully guide your player, a rolling cube, around the holes for as long as possible without falling in. Each time your cube rolls over you receive a point making points quickly add up. You can also gain extra points by squashing blobby enemies, but we found we played much better when we just ignored them.

Now for all of you out there with amazing skill, there is also a sped up version we died at almost instantly. If you somehow find the normal version of this game way too easy, you’ll probably find this version much more entertaining.

We won’t stop you from downloading this game, (The link is below) but if in some explosion of frustration you destroy your brand new smartphone, don’t blame us…

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