
Bit Summit Volume.6 (Recap 1/5) – Sally’s Law – Salary Man Escape – Seasons After Fall – Malicious Fallen – And Kyou-Tou No Nayuta (京刀のナユタ)

Did you make it to BitSummit Volume.6?
We hope you did because the show was awesome!

For those of you who did – and didn’t – make it to BitSummit Volume.6 (2018) this is our recap of the coolest games for iOS, Android, PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch and even the classic NES!? – which was originally released by Nintendo back in 1983 – so without any hesitation, let’s get started.

Just as a side note, this isn’t a recap of everything at BitSummit… It’s a recap (1/5) of only the coolest things you definitely won’t want to miss!

More cool articles coming within the next few hours. Click here for more BitSummit News!

Sally’s Law – by POLARIS-X on BitSummit

Sally’s Law, which was originally a mobile game for iOS and Android, is a simple one-touch adventure game about Sally and her father. The game portrays the unseen bond between a father and his daughter in a very cute and unique way that captivated players all over the world. (The game has had over 100,000 downloads on Android alone, which is kind of amazing for a paid game in 2018.)

The mobile version of the game requires players to take turns playing as either Sally or her father in order to clear each level.

At BitSummit we were given the opportunity to play the Nintendo Switch version of the game which allows players to play both as Samuel (Sally’s Father) and Sally at the same time using the Nintendo Switch’s two Joy-Cons. This does require some level of teamwork between players and makes the already cute gameplay of Sally’s Law even cuter, especially when played by 2 family members.

Salary Man Escape and Seasons After Fall – by Oasis Games

Salary Man Escape and Seasons After Fall were 2 games we didn’t exactly get a chance to play for ourselves… (the games were too popular). However, we did get an opportunity to chat with the publishers, and this is what they had to say…

Salary Man Escape is a Jenga style VR game for PS4 where you are tasked with helping a salaryman escape his boring life by moving or rearranging colored red blocks. What do Genga and a guy living a boring life have in common? …we have no idea, but it’s sort of cool, so why not…?

If you can’t quite picture what we are talking about, here is a video.

Luckily, Seasons After Fall makes much more sense.

Set in a magical 2D world, Seasons After Fall takes you on an adventure through a beautiful 2D environment that can be changed by altering (switching between) the 4 seasons. This can be done by meeting the 4 guardians of the seasons and receiving their power, which will allow you to venture into new and unknown places. (Available on PS4)

Unfortunately, there don’t seem to be any plans for a mobile release from Oasis Games any time soon…

Malicious Fallen – by ALVION on BitSummit

Malicious Fallen is yet another stunning game for PS4 with amazing visuals, exciting boss battles, and best of all no player levels. You are given almost everything from the very beginning, (but a few special attacks), meaning the game relies more heavily on your skill as a player rather than simply how much time you have to dedicate to playing a single game.

If you’re a fan of the series, you may already know that Malicious Fallen is the 3rd and final game in the series – which probably explains why it was so popular at the show – but did you know that ALVION is looking at potentially joining the mobile marketplace!?

Although there isn’t a lot of information we can – or are even allowed to – share on the subject, we can confirm that they are dedicated to creating a game that is actually designed for mobile. Not something that was originally designed for a console, but also sort of works on your smartphone, which is a great start!

Now all they need to do is actually decide to make something. 

Kyou-tou No Nayuta (京刀のナユタ) – by PONOS

Do you enjoy playing The Battle Cats by PONOS if so, be prepared because things are about to get a whole lot cooler! Kyou-tou No Nayuta (京刀のナユタ) is a brand new 2D tower defense style battle game designed by PONOS!

The game takes place in different real-life locations around Kyoto and is played using basically the same principles as in The Battle Cats, just with better graphics, a slightly different gameplay system, and famous Japanese voice actors to really bring your characters to life.

The game will most probably be coming to the west, however, whether or not PONOS will be able to provide users overseas with the same exciting collaborations as users in Japan is something we have yet to find out.

For more info please visit the official  Kyou-tou No Nayuta – 京刀のナユタ website.

More cool articles coming within the next few hours. Click here for more BitSummit News!

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