
Beat Jumper – Flip through a rhythmic world of Sound and Color!

So, you’ve just bought an awesome new set of headphones and need a game with an equally great soundtrack to match it… If so, this is the game for you…

Beat Jumper is a game about jumping through a vibrant world of sound and color! Set in a world made of glowing neon platforms and walls that allow you to speedily flip your way from level to level, Beat Jumper is pretty much music you can play.

Played using an intuitive set of touch controls to guide your player left and right, Beat Jumper is played using the edge of each glowing platform to flip your player up and onto the next platform. …Mess up and you may or may not fall to your death…

Although it is easy to get caught up with the graphics and soundtrack in Beat Jumper, taking a deeper look you will quickly notice how large the selection of unlockable characters and themes are(!) if only you could collect more coins.

Unfortunately, the number of coins you receive by simply playing the game, (i.e. not watching ads or making an in-app purchase), is kept to a bare minimum(!) stopping you from unlocking new characters very easily…

Last but not least, if you’re a long time fan of mobile rhythm games you’ve probably heard of a game called Beat Stomper. If you’re after a game that “is” music you can play, chances are Beat Stomper is the game for you. Otherwise, why not try them both!

In need of a shiny new rhythm game with glowing neon graphics? If so, Beat Jumper may just be the game you were looking for!

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