
Battle Break – Multiplayer interview with Fuero Games

Just when we thought we had seen it all, Fuero Games together with steal the show with the coolest game yet! “What are we talking about?” Battle Break – Multiplayer, the coolest redesign of the popular game Ballz (by Ketchapp) we’ve seen yet!

If you haven’t checked out our “awesome” review of Battle Break – Multiplayer, you can do so here!

Before we start we’d like to thank the Fuero Games Team for participating in our interview and for answering all of our geeky questions! Thanks Guys!

…and without further ado, our interview begins…


The Interview

Thanks for taking the time to talk to us about Battle Break – Multiplayer Balls. Could you kick-start this interview by telling us a little about your studio and what drew you into Game Development?

Fuero Games is a 40-person studio located in Warsaw, Poland. Our team is a great mix of ladies and gents from all over the world, who love games and work on creating the games we love in the hope that players out there enjoy our little gems as much as we do.

We are a game studio that creates mobile games and PC/console games. The love for video games and interactive gaming experiences drew us together and defines our core motivation – “building the games our players will love”.


First question. What was the core idea (or inspiration) that sparked the development of Battle Break – Multiplayer Balls?

The core idea was initially developed by Miniclip. We then collaborated with Miniclip to finalize the final game concept. Our focus is on creating a lightweight, engaging, and extremely fun game.

We aim to deliver a social experience which gives you arcade style adrenaline kicks with the possibility to have a lot of fun with your friends or other people from all around the globe. Of course, there is some inspiration behind – we tend to use the phrase: “Multiplayer Arkanoid” – which those of you who remember it should get it.


What were the hardest problems you faced during the different development stages of Battle Break – Multiplayer Balls?

We invested a solid amount of time on prototyping various mechanics and game logistics, in order to find the most engaging and fun gameplay. Once the core game mechanic was found we began with the balancing and fine-tuning. We faced the challenge of finding the best fitting visuals that are characteristic of our game and appealing to the player’s eyes. Definitely, the most challenging part was making sure that the multiplayer worked as intended and that the user experience allows you to engage in the game within seconds.


For our nerdy Developer Fans, what programming language and or software did you use when developing Battle Break – Multiplayer Balls? And was it a good decision?

We used Unity with C#. We have been using it for years, so it was a logical conclusion for us to let our new project profit from our experience.


What advice would you give to a new player trying Battle Break – Multiplayer Balls for the first time?

To have fun! Battle Break is a game which exists to cater fun challenges between friends and future friends. We constantly improve our game and already have an interesting bunch of features which will be released in the close future. So stay tuned and keep updating the app to catch all the new features.

(Edamame) We can’t wait to check them out!


Where do you get your inspiration or ideas from?

Our inspiration for ideas comes from literally everywhere, even though mainly from the players and what they play, (or even what players don’t play), yet.

Be it other games, books, TV shows, music, movies – the list goes on and on, but the bottom-line is that we strive to create games with a high entertainment factor.


A few words to Battle Break – Multiplayer Balls fans on Edamame Reviews. Any new games in the near future? What can we look forward to next?

You wouldn’t leave a party once all the guests have arrived, right? In our case, we have a responsibility for our games and towards the player community.

We have a dedicated team and some great partners who right now are working hard on producing new content for the updates, improving the game experience and some other hopefully pleasant surprises. Furthermore, another team in Fuero Games is working on a PC/console game called Bushy Tail, which already was nominated in 6 categories on the Paris Games Week and won the prize of “Best Storytelling Game”.


Lastly a few words on how you feel about Edamame Reviews and our service.

We are honored to be part of the game studios that you have interviewed and glad that you have shown interest in our game and how we developed it.

We believe that it’s a great approach to get directly in touch with the developers and therefore building a direct relationship with them in order to pass on the information to the players/readers. Keep up the great work!

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