
Android Games Feeling Slow? It’s Probably Loading Ads…

It is no secret that games in 2019 are packed with Ads. New mobile game publishers seem to be springing out of nowhere almost every day, and they all seem to be using the same tactic to scale their studios quickly.

In fact, it’s so simple we created a quick how-to guide!

Step 1. Get a game.

Step 2. Fill your game with Ads.

Step 3. Plaster Instagram with Ads for your game.

Step 4. If necessary, buy downloads & reviews for around 10¢ a pop – this is actually how much they cost, a company in China offered us some…

Step 5. Repeat.

Sadly, this system only works when there are only a few companies doing it. If you only just learned about this cycle, unfortunately, you’re a little late to the party…

But this isn’t what you came here to read about! Your Android device is starting to get a little sluggish when playing games, what is going on!? Well, it turns out, your phone is probably wasting most of its resources on loading Ads instead of giving you the fun gaming experience you deserve.

The simplest way to test whether or not you are “actually” in need of a new phone in order to play the hottest new games is to simply switch your device to “Airplane Mode” and see what happens. If you see a massive improvement in quality – and we really mean a massive improvement – you were most probably seeing a drop in performance due to the Ads your phone was loading in the background.

One trick a lot of developers use is to add the word (.io) into the title of their game in order to make players think the game is an online multiplayer game – when in reality, the only thing it is loading from a server are Ads.

If you don’t want to continuously switch to Airplane mode just to play games, you could use a VPN like Luna (by Emban Networks) which is basically an ad-blocker that works everywhere on your iOS or Android device.

This is not a sponsored post, by Emban Networks, although it would be cool if it was…

Anyway, before you go throwing away your relatively new iOS or Android device, it may be an idea to figure out why your favorite game is suddenly running so slow…