
Jump – a puzzle + a platformer = !?

What!? Ketchapp’s got a game that’s actually easy!? Well yes, or at least to a degree…

Jump is a simple platformer game made of squishy jelly like trampolines, a ball, and a goal and is played a lot like how you’d play Super Mario, just with way simpler stages.

Your mission in this game is to get from your starting position to the goal without accidently jumping off the stage and dying. Pretty simple. As you make your way around each level, you will be required to collect stars to gain points, find keys to unlock the goal, and perform other simple tasks that only require a little logic to accomplish.

Gameplay wise, Jump is actually more a strategy game than an action game. Although some of the stages do require a little skill to clear, most of the time you can clear each level with flying colors just so long as you take a moment to think before making your move.

With a total of 60 different levels to explore and loads of gimmicks Jump will no doubt be an attractive game for both action games and puzzle lovers alike.

Need something to exercise both your brain and your reaction time simultaneously?

Jump is a simple yet challenging “puzzle platformer” gamers who aren’t entirely devoted to one genre of gaming will no doubt enjoy.

Want to give it a try? The download link is just below 😉

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