Would the story of a cybernetic hitwoman with a glowing blue sword and seemingly superhuman abilities interest you? If so, you have come to the right place.
ICEY by X.D. Network Inc. is a brand new title about a mysterious cybernetic girl known by the name of ICEY. We are given little knowledge as to what or where this figure comes from or why the world she lives in is deserted and mostly destroyed. The only clear piece of information we are given is that her mission is to kill Judice, another mysterious figure we slowly learn more about as we slash our way through the levels of this game.
Played using a set of 5 on-screen buttons and a virtual joystick, ICEY is surprisingly easy to play on a 4.7-inch iPhone thanks to the “position” and “size” of each the virtual buttons.
…Now, since you are reading this review, you likely already know what the graphics are like in this game… ICEY features some of the best combat effects we have ever seen in a smartphone game. With fluid animations, explosive visual effects and attention to even the smallest of details, this game crushes it when it comes to visuals, which is almost to be expected!
ICEY is available/coming soon on PC, PS4(US only), iOS, Android, and the Nintendo Switch, which is great for players who would rather play this game on something other than a touchscreen.
With most games we’ve tested that have both a console version and a mobile version, the graphics in the mobile version are toned down in order to run smoothly on devices with less processing power. Although we are 99% certain the graphics have been toned down to work on iOS and Android, the level of clarity kept in the mobile version of this game is truly astounding! We must say, the graphics played a major role in keeping us addicted to this game…
Last but not least, what would an action-packed platformer game be without boss fights! ICEY features boss fight after boss fight, putting you up against stronger and larger opponents at almost every turn in the story. If you’re after a battle, you’ll get plenty in this game…
Even after playing through this game for about 1-2 hours, we still can’t help but think that there is something going on behind the scenes that we are not yet aware of. Who, What, and Where did ICEY come from? Only time will tell…
The Conclusion
Would we recommend this game to everyone? “No.” If you can’t stand on screen controls we would highly recommend you try playing any of the other (non-mobile) versions of this game. Also, if you aren’t sure of your skill at playing 2D adventure style fighter games, ICEY on mobile may be a bit of a leap, especially without any physical keys on a controller or keyboard.
Who we would recommend this game to however are the skilled players who would like a “Console-Grade Gaming Experience” on their smartphones. If you’re constantly finding yourself with 30 minutes to an hour to kill, you won’t regret having this game on your smartphone.
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