
Got something to say? Say it now! (Ends January the 31st)

Hey Guys, Edamame here.

As an indie developer, most people have a lot to say… You’ll need to pitch your game, attract new players, intrigue indie publishers, inspire potential partners, get future employers to notice you… the list just goes on and on…

Although everyone has their own way of gathering attention, one thing almost every developer can agree on is, the more attention you gather, the better!

Today we’d like to show you how you can better use Edamame Reviews to focus significantly more attention on whatever you are currently promoting.
(Ends January the 31st)

Until January the 31st, indie developers from around the world are invited to send us their intriguing articles to be featured on Edamame Reviews!

If your article is “selected” by our team, (Submitting your article is 100% FREE), you will be required to pay a one-off US$25.00 editing and publishing fee.

Ready to share an article with our readers, please submit your article here.

Need an Example?

Low Budget Game Development for Beginners was an article written by Jesse Crockett – the developer of Chill Pool.

This developer was lucky enough to hit the jackpot twice(!) and is currently dominating the top search result on google for the search query, “Low Budget Game Development.”

(Second only to the two advertisements displayed above all search results.)

In addition to this, his article has received immense popularity on Social Media and has had over 500 views in just over 24 hours.

A lot more than what most indie developers would expect.

Lastly, unlike a banner ad, this is an article meaning that as long as there are people interested in learning how to make games cheaply, people will continue to visit Jesse Crockett’s article, thus indirectly discovering Chill Pool, a game they might not have found otherwise!

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